Whassit All Abaht?

Zine - as in Fanzine. What DIY culture vultures did with their musing about things they were a fan of before the internet. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fanzine

For a while I've been hankering after a place to write about ...about...you know...stuff.

What stuff specifically?

Erm. Well.

The things I'm listening to.
  • On my mp3 player (known herein as the nonpod for it is not an iPod).*
  • At gigs. 
  • On CDs
 The things I'm learning.
  • Jazz Piano
  • Capoeira
  • Samba Reggae
  • Life lessons
I might even go so far as to whibble about
  • Books
  • Films
  • Theatre
  • Pictures
So all in all some random musings on culture and shit. Some of it will be current. Some of it might be from ages ago. Because that's a beauty of it all. You don't necessarily discover amazing things in the order they were made.

Footnotes (I likes them)
* I lose stuff. I break stuff. iPods and iPhones are too expensive to be doing that with. 

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