Thursday 14 February 2013

Jazz & Butternut Squash

Here are some thoughts on the tunes I managed to remember in an over-tired and cold befuddled state when I got home from hearing Ivo Neame Octet at the Vortex last night. 

Notes on individual tunes.

That Syncing Feeling.
This is apparently about technology. Lyrical clarinet melody & solo evoking either a) nostalgia for life when the kit was simpler and had bigger buttons or b) a bitter-sweet reflection on the dysfunctional co-dependent relationship we have with have with our computers/gadgets. #knowthefeeling

Despite assurances that the papal resignation was just a co-incidence with the title of this new tune the lights did start doing strange things in the second set. So who knows? Loved the LH piano, bass, bass clarinet tripling of riffs. I was a tiny bit disappointed that they weren't restated at the end. 

Charm Defensive
This piece is steadily growing on me after an unpromising initial 'nice, but, meh' reaction when i first heard it on Walking Dark. The rich octet arrangement with the rising melodic lines stated in unison by the reeds is especially lovely. I keep finding more in it.  

Deep Space
We were politely asked to imagine we were floating in space for this one. Quite frankly if deep space is this groovy I'm moving there. Engage the warp drive and make it so, captain. 

Butternut squash *
I have been thinking recently that bass clarinet is the butternut squash ingredient of jazz. Bear with me. I shall explain. Butternut squash -  whilst it doesn't go with everything, improves a lot of recipes. It is rarely a mistake in soups (Ok you might not want to add it to your favourite chilled minted pea, dolcelatte and parmesan concoction) or hearty stews. Equally good as a main ingredient or supporting player. Many savoury dishes are even better for having butternut squash in them and it is my opinion that bass clarinet brings a similar property to jazz ensembles.

Ivo Neame Octet
Ivo Neame - Piano, accordion & Compositions
Tori Freestone - Saxophone, flute & birthday 
Jon Shenoy - Clarinet
Jason Yarde - Alto saxophone
Shabaka Hutchings - Bass Clarinet
Jim Hart - Vibraphone
Jasper Hoiby - Double Bass (just imagine the line through the O, I'm being lazy today)
Dave Hamblett - Drums

* I am currently making butternut squash, lentil, apricot and orange soup. Also has cumin and corriander in it. It is lovely. Twitter has quietly censored the picture I posted of the rudest butternut squash ever, which I just had to buy from Lidl to prevent it corrumpting the minds of small children/nuns. They never said anything about it - but it's never properly displayed on my timeline.

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