Firstly - he is the artist whose ongoing touring work "Play Me, I'm Yours!" currently has 50 Golden Street Pianos dotted around London.
How could I not love this live-art intervention? As a pianist the invitation is enough. Play me, I'm yours! How liberating. I don't have to be Lil Armstrong or Mitsuko Uchida to play one. They're ours and we can all play them whether we're not a piano player at all or we're a great concert pianist. It's heady just thinking about it.
I'm am spending some time seeking them out and playing them. I've played two so far. I love the way it subtly transforms the urban space. On one level, while you're playing, London churns by. People ignore you, slow to take a look, stop to listen & take a picture. I especially enjoyed playing the one in Reuters Plaza, Canary Wharf. This little gold painted piano, underneath a tree, dwarfed by the forbidding glass surfaces of the towers of
There is even a piano on Parliament Hill, Hampstead Heath. I very much want to play this piano as my friend Andy's ashes were scattered there. It's a place that means a lot to me. Even though he's been gone for 7 years I still miss him. I often wish I could share this new piano playing part of my creative life with him. I continue to be inspired by his example. He was in a bands, wrote songs and zines alongside having a day job, doing an MA and being a really good friend to a lot of people. You can find out more about Andy's by reading his zine RRR#1 in which he is very eloquent about why making your own art matters, and samosas.*
Then at work this image cropped up. A glass sculpture of an HIV virus. Part of a collection of Glass Microbiology Sculptures which I think are breathtaking. The Wellcome Collection apparrently have on of these sculptures so hopefully I can actually see one sometime soon. It's the kind of thing that makes me raise an eyebrow when people say that there's a science/art war going on.
Luke Jerram's Website
*The zine has been scanned and published by Andy's amazing daughter!
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