Friday 6 July 2012


I keep meaning to get round to writing up some whibblings on Phronesis's new album Walking Dark which I bought earlier in the year and which I saw them play live, in it's entirety, at King's Place.

But there's a much simpler option (for the next 180 days anyway) which will spare you a large amount of jazz-fan-girl wafflings. You can just watch this video of them at Palatia Jazz festival in Germany. Where people sit in the sunshine of an evening, drinking beer and listening to good jazz. (Bastards, they have sunshine!). And Phronesis do their party trick of being simultaneously all complicated and technically accomplished whilst being a lot about groove and therefore accesible and appealing to simple people like me.

At this point in my 'article' I should mention that a lot of other poeple have mentioned how the band look.* But we're all too clever to do that here.** Ooops!

Also - I'm wondering what the UK equivalent of this web-tv channel thingy is. Probably doesn't exist.


* A summary: Tall spice, sartorial spice, we-haven't-thought-of-an-adjective spice. 
** I do persistenlty keep wondering if anyone would think it worth commenting on the fact that the look has been comented on if these chaps were chapesses.

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